A still image of the itinerary / brochure I designed for a tour of pumpkin farms and fall attractions I organised and hosted around the Chicago area in September 2023. I coordinated this tour for the UK's National Farm Attractions Network, a national networking association of British agritourism operators.
An itinerary brochure I designed for a tour of pumpkin farms and fall attractions which I organised and led around the Chicago area in September 2023. I coordinated this tour for the UK's National Farm Attractions Network, a national networking association of British agritourism operators.
The brochure was originally sent to the participants as a PDF. It has been converted to a flipbook video here for ease of navigation around the portfolio.
The last page on the itinerary / brochure I designed for a tour of pumpkin farms and fall attractions I organised and hosted around the Chicago area in September 2023. I coordinated this tour for the UK's National Farm Attractions Network, a national networking association of British agritourism operators.
I designed this agenda for the Japan Local Government Centre's Careers Fair as we had a lot of schedule segments happening concurrently. Unfortunately, Hopin's native (and linear!) agenda didn't display those well graphically, and made it very hard to see at a glance what was happening at any given time, so this graphic was the solution.
We placed it on the Reception page and use it in our comms, and the design received praise even from Hopin professionals!
I reused the Hopin event platform's navigation bar on the left, then colour-coded each area
An image I designed for JLGC's 2021 Careers Fair for recent alumni of the JET Programme. This was a banner for a breakout session on the topic of postgraduate studies.
Holding page displayed to attendees after they have joined the online event, before the beginning of the seminar. A countdown was included to inform the audience of when the talk would start.
White & blue wave pattern, logo and banner used here are in accordance with the Japan Local Government Centre's own branding.
Attached is a QR code I designed for Franco de la Croix-Vaubois from Frog Events, to print and use on a physical sign at an in-person event.
The QR code was branded according to Frog Events colours, style and logo and when attendees scan it, it takes them to a loom video with Franco's presentation along with a link to his agenda to arrange a meeting.
I designed this banner and logo for JLGC's 2021 Careers Fair for recent alumni of the JET Programme. I made it available in different sizes so it could be used on JLGC's website, the fair's Eventbrite page and event page on Hopin.
Holding page for attendees watching the panel discussion. A countdown was included to inform the audience of when the talk would start.
I replaced this with a title page (similar visual but without the countdown) when editing the video recording of the event.
A brochure for exhibitors to attend JLGC's Careers Fair describing the advantage to having a booth and the activities on the day - Japanese version.
A brochure for exhibitors to attend JLGC's Careers Fair describing the advantage to having a booth and the activities on the day - English version.
I designed this banner to be used at JLGC's 2021 Careers Fair for a virtual "Coffee Lounge" meeting room on hopin (the way the banner was displayed included an automatic layer saying "Coffee Lounge", so that "With JETAA" was aligned next to it).
The tone of the image is relaxed as this virtual room was meant for delegates to take a break from the talks and active networking taking place in the expo area. Members of the JET Alumni Association (JETAA) were always present in the room to tell attendees about their local free activities and just have a friendly chat.
I created this agenda for the Japan Local Government Centre's 2022 Seminar on Local Food Strategy in Japan and the UK.
The white & blue wave pattern, logo and banner used here are in accordance with the Japan Local Government Centre's official branding.
Banner for the Japan Local Government Centre (JLGC) and its annual seminar on local public policy in the UK and Japan. I designed this while I worked there, for use on the website and Eventbrite page, and we used variations on webinar holding slides and agenda (see next image).
The city skyline is Manchester, as it is a famous case study regarding the use of Modern Methods of Construction in the UK.
White & blue wave pattern, logo and banner used here are in accordance with the Japan Local Government Centre's official branding.
The city skyline used at the bottom of the agenda is Manchester, as it is a famous case study regarding the use of Modern Methods of Construction in the UK.
White & blue wave pattern, logo and banner used here are in accordance with the Japan Local Government Centre's official branding.
A guide I designed for a client to guide their team through the process of setting up virtual booths for their online event. It includes general explanations on layout and functionalities, as well as good practice tips and more detailed information on asset sizes.
The guide is branded using the client's colour palette (mainly oranges and greys) and their event banner.
The original PDF was converted to a flipbook video here for ease of perusing my portfolio.